Showing 376 - 400 of 873 Results
Memoirs by a Celebrated Literary and Political Character: From the Resignation of Sir Robert... by Richard Glover, Richard Duppa ISBN: 9781272972370 List Price: $23.75
The Economic Policy of Robert Walpole by Brisco, Norris Arthur ISBN: 9781150181696 List Price: $14.84
Memoirs Relating to European and Asiatic Turkey, and Other Countries of the East by Walpole, Robert ISBN: 9781150272691 List Price: $44.58
Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford (3) by Coxe, William ISBN: 9781150362071 List Price: $27.68
Sir Robert Walpole (British Prime Ministers) by Betty Kemp ISBN: 9780297770671
The Prime Ministers, from Robert Walpole to Margaret Thatcher by George Malcolm Thomson ISBN: 9780436520457
The Economic Policy of Robert Walpole by Unknown ISBN: 9781290785440 List Price: $23.95
Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, East of Oxford by Coxe, William ISBN: 9781235975189 List Price: $21.98
Oil And Gas In New Mexico In 1923: Geologic Series 3, No. 5, May, 1923 by Robert Walpole Ellis ISBN: 9781258605995 List Price: $35.95
Political Ballads Illustrating the Administration of Sir Robert Walpole by Unknown ISBN: 9781313133609 List Price: $23.95
Sir Robert Walpole; a Political Biography, 1676-1745 by Ewald Alex. Charles (Alexan... ISBN: 9781313517607 List Price: $34.95
Histoire Du Ministre Du Chevalier Robert Walpole, Volume 3... (French Edition) by Jean-Baptiste Dupuy-Demportes ISBN: 9781271300914 List Price: $36.75
English Premiers From Sir Robert Walpole To Sir Robert Peel, Volume 1... by John Charles Earle ISBN: 9781271774012 List Price: $32.75
Lord Orford's Voyage Round the Fens in 1774 [the Journals of T. Roberts, G. Farrington, and ... by Roberts, Thomas, Farrington... ISBN: 9781273059537 List Price: $19.75
A Short View of the State of Affairs: With Relation to Great Britain for Four Years Past, Wi... by Bath, William Pulteney Earl... ISBN: 9781341709678 List Price: $19.95
Some General Considerations Concerning the Alteration and Improvement of Publick Revenues by Walpole, Robert Earl of Orford ISBN: 9781341712173 List Price: $19.95
Some Considerations Concerning the Publick Funds, the Publick Revenues and the Annual Suppli... by Bath, William Pulteney Earl... ISBN: 9781341763212 List Price: $22.95
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